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Project 8: Original Model

What do you want to make? That is such a loaded question, but one you will need to explore in this project. I am asking you to explore your own creative ideas and start working on a paper or cardboard model of something that is interesting to you. Annoyingly, I am not giving you a lot of direction for this project. You will need to make sure that it is (1) school appropriate and (2) made of paper or a paper-like material. Oak tag, cardboard, and card stock is all appropriate.

The only adhesive I would like you to use is white glue. 

Having Kit #2 would be very helpful. Make sure you turn in your permission slip before you go to pick it up.

Where to get materials? I think the best material for this project is old cereal boxes. They are made of tag board (oak tag is another name) and thicker than card stock, but thinner than cardboard. It's a great material. Remember, that glue will stick to the brown side better than the glossy printed side. When you are done, you can paint the whole thing one color to cover up the printed material.

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