If you watch a film or TV show featuring a spaceship, it's most likely a digital model created by some very talented illustrators and creators. It's no longer as common as it was in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, to photograph scaled models in these films and shows. However, for many filmmakers and directors, models represent a nostalgic link to the past and a useful tool for modern filmmakers.
In the Disney+ program, The Mandalorian, Industrial Light and Magic used some of these classic model making tools to create the Razor Crest. The Razor Crest is a spaceship that has surface characteristics that made it beneficial to have model shots.
These two videos explore the work for John Knoll and John Goodson and what they did for Mandalorian at ILM. Knoll is an expert in motion control systems in filmmaking. Motion control is a technology tool that allows filmmakers to capture really exiting and dynamic (lots of movement) shots of models. Goodson is an expert model maker.