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SMM 1 Exam

I know it's hard to remember, but since the pandemic has pushed us into block scheduling, our semesters look a little different. Our quarters are semesters and that's what is happening this week. If you have any questions about how this all works, you can definitely send me an email message.

Regardless, we are going to have our semester exam today. I am going to ask you to complete a reflection and upload that into Teams. There is an assignment called SMM 1 Exam. That's where you will upload your response to these questions. You can type them or upload a picture of handwritten responses. The choice is yours. You will have all period to complete the reflection. If you finish early, you can finish up any remaining projects you have to complete.


In one paragraph, reflect on the one project this semester that you thought was the most challenging. Why was it challenging? What about the requirements, process, or outcome made it difficult? Then, looking at the model you created from that project, answer the following questions:

  1. What makes this model good or bad?
  2. What could you do to make this model better?
  3. What is the most important thing you want people to see when they look at this model?
  4. What do you think people will feel when they see your model?

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